Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mid week!

Ok, so it's Wednesday and I'm working like I always am when I sneak away and spend some time online.  = )  So far, no update on trying to get preggo.  It's the weirdest thing to think about when you are having sex.  I mean, up until now it's been 100% pleasure driven, but now there is this weird thing that my mind does during intercourse.  It goes down the baby road and I can't stop it!  Let's just say that I have always been a "pleaser" when it comes to sex.  I like to make sure my partner is satisfied and I'm never worried about my own desires because my desire is to please.  Of course, I never get complaints from guys.  = )  It seems they are typically just as concerned about their own pleasure as I am.  LOL  But anyway, that brings me back to our attempt to now create a baby.  For the first time, I'm concerned about something other than my husband having a great sexual experience.  I think I'm weird.  I feel like nobody feels the way I do sometimes.  Maybe I'm not the only person that has these weird little moments in life?  To anyone out there that is actually listening, thank you.  I don't really have anyone to talk to about my weird brain!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Ok, so getting around to posting has been a little more challenging than I thought it would be!  Things have been pretty busy for me since I tried to start.  I'll try to be better!  Do you forgive me?  = )  The biggest update I have is that my husband and I have decided to become parents!  Well, at least to try.  So, I'm over 30 and this will be my first, so I'm a combination of nervous/excited/scared.  Is there anyone reading this that is a parent or soon to be one?  Tell me your story in the comments!