Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm preggers!

Ok, so I found out a few days ago that I am pregnant!  OMG!  = )  I'm so excited and nervous!  Anyway, I just wanted to share with anyone out there that is listening.  I'm going to have a baby!  I think I'll take some sexy before pictures this weekend.  I don't think I will want to take any once I start gaining weight.  Plus, I figure that I will need some inspiration after this is all over so I can attempt to get back into shape!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Costume girls

Ok, so I put together some pictures of my favorite girls in costume.  Come check them out on my Flickr stream and let me know what you think of them.  It's ok if you like them better than me and my Kitty Kat costume.  = )  If you are on flickr, please let me know so I can add you as a friend.  Otherwise, you can't see everything!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year.  I lead a very private and reserved life outside of Flickr, so Halloween allows me to be a little more risque.  I love Flickr for exactly the same reason!  So anyway, I actually wore my "Kat" costume to a party on Saturday.  If you haven't seen me in it yet, go visit my Flickr set here:
Thankfully, I wasn't the only under-dressed girl that showed up.  There was a french maid that made me feel a little more comfortable.  = )  We had a great time drinking and socializing.  There was a flapper that got a little too drunk and passed out early, but there weren't any incidents.  I even did a little karaoke!  Did any of you go to a Halloween party?  Did you dress up?  I want to hear about it and see your costume!  Please join Flickr if you aren't already on there and be my friend!  = )